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1. Positive Thinking
Another way to provoke an emotional feedback is to always think of things positive. With positive thinking, positive people will apply as well. And this will affect the flow of chemicals in the body, which will make or hormonal triggers serotonim joy increased.

2. Develop the skills
Happy people often are in the flow path, enjoying everything around him and deal with any challenges that confront the reaction and the right attitude.
3. Develop a spiritual side
Studies that do not count showed that religious people happier and able to overcome the crisis better. Perhaps because of the spiritual community can provide emotional support, and the foundation of faith to make life more meaningful and more focused.
4. Fill life with things like
Must be found in activities that can make us happy. Simple pleasures were also the key to happiness.
5. Maintain good relationships
Many studies proving a link between social support and emotional encouragement. Those who have a close relationship with someone or a family, tend to be able to cope with various kinds of misfortune of life such as stress, job loss or illness, the better.
6. Looking ahead
If at some time afflicted with disappointment or grief, do not then sink into gloom. Remember that within 6 months to a year, you will recover. Even the most desperate to lose any natural capacity for joy will come back by itself.
7. Sports
A conclusion from new study shows that 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise, (four times a week) to grow health and energy as well be a mild antidepressant and anxiety. If your schedule is too tight, do a little exercise, like walking 10 minutes before lunch and 10 minutes after dinner.
8. Many laughs
"When he laughed, the body feels good because we take 6 times more oxygen than when the conversation," said Dr American humor therapist. John Morrel. Laughter also stimulates the relaxation response, so that the blood pressure, heart rate muscle tension adan all fall below normal.

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